For this project, we designed and manufactured a souvenir made from various Plexiglas layers . The inspiration was triggered from the remains of the Ancient theatre in Larissa, being represented in a more abstract minimal way. The base of the souvenir is composed from transparent Plexiglas 10mm. The logo of the Larissa Chamber of Commerce as well as the phrase "ANCIENT THEATRE OF LARISSA" are engraved on it, while a QR code with information about the Chamber has been imprinted with UV printing method. The theatre consists of two different layers of Plexiglas, the black semi-circular depicts the theatre parquet and a golden one standing for the seats which are presented in a artistic way. Engravings on both layers were made with the laser machine available in our workshop. The memorabilia comes in the English version, as well. Its packaging box was structured by us. Its made up from a golden luxury box where special foam material was placed with a gap in the shape of the memorabilia presentation.